How to water Succulents

The best way to water and care for succulents is to mimic the natural conditions. Most succulent plants experience long periods of drought in their natural habitat. This is what they prefer, and should be replicated at home for the best result. Always give succulents plenty of water when watering, and let them dry out completely before the next watering. Never allow any succulents to sit in water since they are prone to rotting and diseases.

Watering schedule for most succulents

  • Water most succulents every 10th day during the growth season (depending on the succulent). Occasionally, give water every week during summer heatwaves, or if they show signs of thirst.
  • Start to slow down the watering frequency to twice a month as we enter the fall.
  • Allow the succulents to enter winter dormancy, or at least a winter rest during the coldest months. Consequently, water them roughly once a month, if at all. Most cacti are more than happy to go on a strict no-water diet during the winter months. (Winter growers are a different story, please see the appropriate article, since their world is a bit upside down. They work the winter shift).
  • As a succulent enters dormancy, it often shrinks a bit compared to its regular size during growth season.

What pH is advisable when watering succulents?

The optimal pH range is between 5.0 – 7.5. Most succulents and cacti prefer slightly acidic soil. Most of us probably use the tap-water to feed our plants, which often is more alkaline than the above. However, it really depends on your local tap water (or source of water) since the Ph level varies based on location. In the wild, the rainwater is normally a bit more acid than most tap water. Therefore, it is common to add a splash of vinegar for a preferred balance.

Succulents are very forgiving plants. They like to be neglected, and will never be offended. In the wild, they often develop a more compact shape, mostly because of long periods without water. You may go on a holiday and not water your succulents. Don’t worry, they´ll still love you when you return home.

Cholla flower

Best watering time – in the morning or in the evening?

The best time to water a succulent or a cactus is very early morning, just before they get energy from the sun and warm temperature. Or, in the evening once the sun has set. Avoid watering in the middle of the day, since the burning sun dries up a lot of the water before the plant absorbs it.

Is a succulent under- or overwatered?

If a succulent is given too much water it will often look sad in numerous ways. The leaves may change color, or appear weak with unhealthy leaves or branches, or become a bit translucent. On the contrary, if a succulent is not given enough water, it often has shriveled leaves and other signs of weakness. This is of course different from plant to plant. For example, a cactus is a lot less expressive and will give you fewer clues.

Always use pots with holes in the bottom that drains excess water. Succulents should never stand in water. Never use any type of container without holes, it may kill the plant unless you know the exact watering need.

Too little water or too much water?

It is better to give a succulent too little water rather than too much. Too much water may kill it, but too little water is most likely just fine. If you are attentive, you will get to know your plants intimately and develop a sense of their needs.

Indoor watering vs outdoor watering

Most likely you need to reduce watering when you move a succulent plant indoors. Since the humidity and air circulation are very different inside, and typically require less water. Be careful with this, especially with lithops and cacti. Let them settle in the indoor environment without water for a week or two, before watering them less than before.

How long can a succulent survive without water?

How long a succulent survives without water depends on the species. Some succulents require frequent watering. For example, a portulaca may require frequent watering all summer long. While others survive many consecutive months without water. Many plants might enter dormancy if withheld water for too long. I stopped watering a Pleiospilos for six months over the winter as a test. It didn’t even flinch. The two outer leaves were a little soft, but it was impossible to guess that the plant had been without water for half a year.

Even if most succulents can survive without water for a very long time, doesn’t necessarily mean they enjoy it. Like all other plants, succulents need water and nutrition to grow and reproduce, to fulfill their evolutionary programming.  

Saltine watering

Saltine watering is, generally speaking, never advised for any plants. Although, certain plants have developed a tolerance to salt water. For example, the low-growing succulent Carpobrutus is often seen along the coastlines where salt water inevitably moists the soil during rough weather. However, the plant seems entirely unfazed by the saltine watering and grows as successfully as it does with regular rain- or tap water.

However, the best way to water succulent plants is rain water or slightly acid water.

Bottom watering or top watering?

Bottom watering or top watering, does it really matter? Well, it is not usually a big deal. After all, watering succulent plants from the top simply mimics a natural rainfall. In the wild, the soil will absorb the water to a very deep level, which will encourage a deep rooting system. Therefore, bottom watering a plant will encourage the plant’s roots to strive deeply in the pot, instead of remaining in the shallow parts of the pot. For example, after repotting a plant where the rooting system is rather shallow may benefit from bottom watering. However, in most cases, there are usually no problems with established plants having shallow root systems. But it is worth mentioning that plants like Crassula and Peace Lily prefer to be watered from the bottom.

FAQ - Water succulents

Most frequent questions and answers

Succulents don’t usually need special water. Rainwater is perfect since it is a bit acidic. Since tapwater is typically less acidic, you can add a splash of vinegar to make it a little more acid. But this is usually not a major issue.

Bottom watering the pot’s tray helps the roots reach deep down in the soil and improve their strength. It can prevent fungi and bacteria from reaching the leaves. But regular watering from the top is typically fine unless very special circumstances.

It can be several reasons: A common reason is overwatering, a disease, or being attacked by pests, or if the plant is stressed.

Wait roughly a week after repotting a succulent before you start watering. So the plant has some time to settle in its new environment.

Indoor succulents typically require a bit less water since there is less air circulation that dries the soil. It also depends on the season and life-cycle.