
The Advantages of Organic Fertilizers for Your Plants

Enhancing the quality of your plants involves a crucial shift towards reducing chemical usage, making organic fertilizers an excellent choice. Check out the details of these fertilizer benefits here.

Regardless of the specific plants you choose to cultivate, they all require careful attention to ensure optimal growth and yield. This guarantees a consistent quality throughout the various stages of cultivation, catering to the end consumer’s expectations regarding health and safety standards.

Types of Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers, derived from natural sources such as carbon, plant, and animal derivatives, can be combined with other chemical elements to enhance their efficacy. This process aims to provide diverse plants with the necessary nutrients for optimal growth. Unlike mineral fertilizers with high chemical concentrations, organic counterparts are environmentally friendly and more effective. They not only supply nutrients but also integrate organic matter into the soil, facilitating regeneration and enhancing fertility for future plantations.

In conventional planting processes, after using fertilizers for plant development, additional substrates are typically needed to regenerate the soil before starting a new productive stage. When plants are fertilized with organic products, the soil remains unaffected as it absorbs minerals that regulate its internal components, eliminating the need for additional products.

Organic fertilizers come in solid and liquid forms, each with distinct types classified based on their origin and specific properties. The primary types include:


Creating compost is a fertilization process based on the controlled decomposition of various solid elements of natural origin, resulting in an earthy product rich in nutrients essential for plant growth. Microorganisms play a crucial role in this decomposition, metabolizing compounds under ideal atmospheric conditions.


It is produced through a solid composting process actively involving worms that break down organic elements, mainly of plant origin. This compost differs from other organic fertilizers due to its higher quality, requiring a covered vermiculture system to ensure optimal conditions for worm survival.


Refers to a group of highly fertilizing liquid compounds resulting from natural processes, such as animal manure and plant waste from irrigation systems. The liquid carries a significant amount of methane, extractable to nourish the soil and improve plant growth.

Benefits of Organic Fertilizers

As evident, organic fertilizers present a simple, ecological, and efficient alternative with various benefits for the plants they nurture. Some of these advantages include:

  1. Enhanced Soil Nutrients: The slow, gradual, and natural release of nutrients is a key advantage, ensuring precise control over fertilizer quantity. This natural release prevents excessive usage, safeguarding soil quality and potentially reducing cultivation expenses. As products grow naturally, they are healthier, providing nutrient-rich foods compared to those growing at accelerated rates.

  2. Environmental Friendliness: Being 100% natural, organic fertilizers avoid generating any chemical residues harmful to the environment. This reduction in hazardous compounds provides peace of mind, ensuring healthy product growth without environmental harm, resulting in more natural products.

  3. Non-Toxic Food Production: The use of organic fertilizers guarantees that produced foods are free from harmful chemical substances. Consumers of these foods are thus less exposed to diseases and health issues.

  4. Improved Soil Fertility: Organic fertilizers ensure prolonged soil fertility. Unlike the frequent use of various chemical fertilizers leading to a rapid decline in soil fertility, organic counterparts naturally regenerate the soil, enriching it with essential compounds for stability.

Further reading about advantages of Composting.